C1 Developing the ability to collect and analyze statistical data in solving problems related to the implementation of projects.
C2 Providing the necessary knowledge how to deal with statistical programs and data processing.
C3. Developing the ability to comprehensively look at risk in project implementation.
C4 Developing the ability to critically evaluate the results of quantitative analyzes.
C5 Developing the ability to process uncertain information.
List of Learning Outcomes:
PEU_W01 Has extended knowledge about selected methods of mathematical statistics.
PEU_W02 Knows issues related to testing hypotheses in an in-depth way towards applications.
PEU_W03 Has extended knowledge about selected methods of econometric modeling.
PEU_W04 Knows the basics of the theory of forecasts and simulations.
PEU_W05 Recognizes the potential of operations research, econometrics, forecasting and simulation as tools for risk analysis in projects.
- Teacher: Mazurkiewicz Mariusz